Blood Feud is a role-playing game about toxic masculinity: certain common attitudes and behaviors among men, that cause great harm to them and to others around them. This is a game about people being nasty to each other and about figuring out why.
It’s also a game about Vikings of pre-Christian Scandinavia; about honor and blood feuds, courage and brutality, corruption and consequences. Above all it is a game about what it means to be a man in such a world—and what consequences that has on the communities they live in.
The reviews are in! (from the book cover):
“I loved how Blood Feud was both a serious game and a game filled with relatable comedy. […] It is an intelligent game design that shines a light on gender structures in a natural manner.” – Siri Sandquist, playtester
” No Game Master, no dice resolution mechanics. Just a narrative SJW circle-jerk is what this game is- if you want to call it a game even. This is right along the lines of precisely why SJW games and gamers suck and are so pathetic and terrible.” – Redacted, internet forum user.
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