Dead Friend: A Game of Necromancy


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SKU: GR01 Category:

“Most Innovative” nominee for the 2019 IGDN Indie Groundbreaker Awards!

Dead Friend is a roleplaying game for two players, who play a necromancer and a ghost. You will each play the role of a friend, one living and one dead. You will ask and answer questions to develop the characters, their community, their history together, and the motivations leading up to their final conflict. The script follows the dramatic structure of a necromancy ritual, and you will use the spellbook of instructions throughout the entire game like a witch reading spells from an ancient grimoire. The mood may be spooky or intimate, heartwrenching or hilarious — it is up to you as storytellers.

Dead Friend requires 1 Tarot deck or 1 deck of mundane playing cards.


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