Nemesis: Aftermath


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SKU: nem08 Category:

Your anxiety grows when the shuttle docks to the Nemesis, or rather to what is left of the ship. You will do whatever it takes to discover what dramatic events happened on board. It seems, however, that solving the mystery won’t be as easy as they promised . . .

The Aftermath expansion adds new Character miniatures, Room tiles, specific Event Cards, and a Shuttle board. Additionally, it introduces a new game mechanic – Alerts.


10 Miniatures
‣ 1 CEO
‣ 1 Android
‣ 1 Psychologist
‣ 1 Bounty Hunter
‣ 1 Convict
‣ 1 Laika
‣ 1 Dog
‣ 3 Turrets
‣ 1 Catonaut
1 Hourglass
130 Cards
‣ 9 Blue (Crafted) Item
‣ 6 Character Starting Item
‣ 10 Character Quest Item
‣ 53 Action
‣ 13 Personal Requirement
‣ 1 Lucrative Offer
‣ 10 Alert
‣ 11 Trait
‣ 2 Melted Serious Wound
‣ 10 Aftermath Event
‣ 5 Help
35 Cardboard Tokens
‣ 9 Turret Status
‣ 23 Aftermath Exploration
‣ 3 Turret Exploration


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