Tails of Equestria RPG: Core Rulebook


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Dear Princess Celestia,
I am happy to report that the dragon has departed our fair country, and that it was my good friend, Fluttershy, who convinced him to go. This adventure has taught me that your friends can help you overcome even your greatest fears.
Always, your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle

What is this book?
Hey there! So I imagine you’ve picked up this book knowing a little bit about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. You’ve probably had a quick flick through the book and are wondering exactly what it is. This book is a manual for a storytelling game, which allows you and your friends to create your very own pony characters to explore the amazing and magical world of Equestria – will you be a dynamic adventurer like Daring Do or a bold treasure hunter like Rarity?

Wait, wait, wait! You said this was a game, but this is clearly a book!
You’re right, but it’s actually both a book and a game. This book contains rules and a story. Rules that will tell you how to make strong, clever, or charming pony. A story that you and your friends will enjoy, where the choices you make will change the story itself until you are telling the story as much as the book or the GM.

GM…what is that?
A GM (Gamemaster) is a player at the table, but instead of playing as a pony, he or she will play as a storyteller, impersonating all of the ponies you meet, the beasts you face, and the challenges you have to overcome. Think of the GM as a narrator in a movie – it is his or her role to tell the players exactly what is happening in the story and what the outcomes of their actions are, depending on their choices.

Cool! How do I win?
Winning a storytelling game is a very easy; you just need to have fun! Tales of Equestria is not about getting to the end of a board or having the most points, but about having fantastical adventures and using the magic of Friendship to overcome any obstacles that stand in your way. You and your friends, including the GM, are all on the same team – as long as everypony is having fun, everybody wins!

So open up Tails of Equestria and be prepared to enter a world of magic and friendship.


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